Friday, September 21, 2007

Montmartre 15-40 8mm Film playing in Strasbourg

"Montmartre 15-40", an 8mm movie directed by Jerry Gordon, Charles-Éric Billard and Takezo Aoki will be playing at Festival Tourné Monté at the Palais des Fêtes of Strasbourg, Sunday October 21st, from 20:00. Please come if you're around that part of France!

Smouldering Door Live at PILE CAFÉ

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Stone, Water & Dirt

This video is a collaboration with Jerry Gordon, the serious poet. To view the poems in their written form, visit Jerry Gordon's blog.

Andi Tabo Charlou

Watch the vidconference linking Tabo and Charles in Osaka, and Andi Steil in Germany. Unfortunately we can't hear Andi's sound, but next time we'll know better.