Tuesday, October 28, 2008

White Walls and Self-Doubt on TV

Organized by TERERE Media Arts Center, a video compilation titled "Communication" features video works by local artists. One of my old videos, "White Walls and Self-Doubt" (Japanese Subtitles version) produced while being a student at Concordia University in 1997, will be part of that compilation, presented at different locations around Kansai, as well as on TV :

Channel 9 (J:COM)
November 1st to 15th, 2008,
between 10:00 and 10:20 and between 21:30 and 21:50.

Please tune in!


2.『White Walls and Self-Doubt』Charles-Eric BILLARD
3.『3秒で誰かの心をつかむ方法、知っていますか? 』山中章代

放送局:J:COM ウエスト 大阪セントラル局


TEL/FAX 06-6644-3701
E-mail eizoinfo@terere.jp(送るときは@を半角にしてください)
URL http://www.terere.jp


Sanzui さんずい vol.1 at 安治川 FLOAT (Performance art event)

2008/11/29 Sat 4pm-9pm admission 1000yen

Performance/Dance/Sound/Video/Visual ---> Art

Kozue SUGIURA 杉浦梢 / Hiromi SHIRAI 白井廣美 /
Richard Dean リチャード・ディーン / Ritsuko HIDAKA 日高理都子
Salads in Space / Sean Roe ショーン・ロー /Shin IHA 伊波晋
Tadashi YONAGO 米子匡司 / Takako MIZUKI 水木孝子
Yangjah ヤンヂャ

Food: HaraHachi はらはち
Flyer Calligraphy フライヤー題字: Mitsuko ITOH 伊藤みつ子
Costume 衣装: Asuka YAMAGUCHI 山口明香
Photo Document 記録写真: 3.5 GH Hiroyuki MISHIMA 3.5GH 三島宏之
Video Document 記録映像: Mayumi OKAZAKI 岡崎まゆみ
Special Thanks 協力: Osaka Arts-Aporia 大阪アーツアポリア
Yukiko UENO 上野由紀子
An Event by 企画: Hiromi SHIRAI 白井廣美 / Yangjah ヤンヂャ

Information 問い合わせ:
080-3849-0390 yangjah@softbank.ne.jp (Yangjah)

5540026 大阪市西区安治川2丁目1-28 安治川倉庫
c/o Ajigawa warehouse 2-1-28 Ajigawa Nishi-ku Osaka-city


Hello everybody,

Salads in Space (Rick Tuazon, Charles-Eric Billard and Jerry Gordon) will be performing with dancer Yangjah at Elixir Cafe Bar, as well, special guest performers Reiko Imanishi (koto) and Hiromi Shirai (performance artist) will be playing during the evening.

Admission is Free

Elixir is Guido's new bar/cafe. He is working his magic atop the stove, so get your taste buds ready. Those of you who remember the vibe of Guido's cafe Agave will be happy to see he's back at it.

Time and Place Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 8:30pm - 11:00pm

Location: Elixir Cafe Bar
(Dakota House - just south of YMCA and the National Museum on Nakanoshima Street)
1F 1-23-30 Edobori Nishiku, Osaka, Japan

Phone: (06) 6444-2001

Friday, September 05, 2008

My participation at Cine-Capsule's Katsuura Ayako movie

Here is a picture that will be used in the trailer of "Katsuura Ayako", a collaborative drama series project, as well as the poster that will be printed... notice the jumping guy!! It seems I will be an actor! Come and watch me make a fool of myself in less pleasing costumes!

京都メディフェス映像祭 in ゼスト御池

9/10(水)〜9/14(日) 11:00〜19:00 

『性暴力防止CM』Rape Crisis Survivors Net 関西
『the bath project』Charles-Eric BILLARD

第6回市民メディア全国交流集会 『京都メディフェス』
テーマ: つかう・えらぶ・つくる ~十人十メディア時代~

会期: 2008年9月12日(金)~9月14日(日)
会場: 元立誠小学校、京都三条ラジオカフェ、アートコンプレックス1928、カ
フェアンデパンダン 他


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Japan-Zine September 2008

This is an article written by Celio Barreto, director of Soho Art Gallery Café, as the result of a interview he had with me last month.

SALADS IN SPACE at Urbanguild

Friday, September 5th, 2008
from 7:00pm to 2:00am

JunKroom presents a Special Event at UrBANGUILD with an amazingly eclectic and International Program, including Performance Art, Modern Dance, Improvised Music, Sound Installation and more... An evening of Multi-disciplinary performances and artistic collaborations that will surprise, and astound you.

Salads in Space, a trio composed of Rick Tuazon, Jerry Gordon and Charles-Eric Billard, will mezmerize you with their sense of belonging to underground agroovating culture, to say the least. Salads in Space will perform at around 20:00, so please come early if you want to see us!

Doors open 6:30 JunkRoom Event starts at 7:00pm and ends at 2:00am
Entrance 1000 yen + 1 Drink (total 1500yen)

Here is a tentative line up:

Onstage Performances

1st Psychedelic Desert + Maki
2nd Jetvel + Drummer
3rd Salads in Space + Yangjah
4th Takebow
5th Bridget Scott
6th Floath
7th Bloom Creation
8th Richard Dean
9th Sseeaann Rrooee

Off Stage Performances

1 Sylwia Gorak
2 Hiromi Shirai
3 Jana Winderen
4 Titan No Kai
5 Teruyaki Tanaka
6 Veejay Figshta

Visit Urbanguild'w website for more information. The venue is located on the 3rd floor of an undescript building named "New Tokyo Building" a few minutes walk from Kawaramachi Station, along Takase River. Here is the map.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Takedao Sessions 2008

Takedao SESSIONS 2008
from Saturday August 16th 15:00 to Sunday August 17th 11:00

Takedao SESSIONS 2008 is an event inviting artists working in various media (music, sound art, performance art, dance, theater, etc.) to take part in improvised sessions that will take place at Takedao (Hyogo), in an abandoned train tunnel and on a beach on the bank of Muko river.Visual and installation artists are also invited to put up their work in the tunnel for a one day exhibition.

This year, no artist line up, no time table, but the unique possibility to listen to and to take part in spontaneous collaborative performances.

From JR Osaka, take the local train bound for Shin-Sanda (JR Fukuchiyama Line).
Takedao Station is three stops after Takarazuka

charles_billard@hotmail.com / charlou2006.blogspot.com


To view a video sample of previous year's Takedao Tunnel Party, click on this.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Bath Project" and 3-D pictures at Cine-Capsules

2. Saturday, September 13, and Sunday, September 14th, 2008
(see website for schedule)

Cine-Capsule #5 is a two days art event held at HEP-HALL (HEP FIVE 8F), featuring movies, photography, illustrations performance and more.

Charles-Eric Billard will be presenting his recent 3-D images, as well as his world-famous video (his cousin in Canada said he liked it), The Bath Project.

for more details about the schedule, visit :

Tickets are 1800 yen at the door, or 1500 yen in advance. If you want to buy a ticket directly from me, email me or call me at :

Monday, May 26, 2008

CLONELINESS Live at Sound Throughville FInal

Cloneliness Live at "Sound Finale Throughville Event", Hwasang Korean Restaurant.

Watch two of the videos : Toaster Kabuki Live and House Groove Live

SALADS IN SPACE at Art Salad CLosing Event

SALADS IN SPACE live at the "Art Salad Exhibition Closing Event", Soho Gallery, Saturday 5/31, 20:00.

SALADS IN SPACE is the name of the improvised music trio formed of Rick Tuazon, Jerry Gordon and meself. The band performed live at the "Art Salad Exhibition Closing Event", at Soho gallery. Yangjah, contemporary dance, joined the trio.

Photos by Kazuo YAMASHITA.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Cloneliness Electro Acoustic Music Concert

This is the flyer for Cloneliness Electro-Acoustic Music event.
1500yen in advance / 2000yen at the door.
Please contact Soho Gallery (06-4394-7456 orsoho_galleryjp@yahoo.com) to reserve your ticket.

Friday, February 01, 2008

3-D Images and Videos at Panorama

This tis the flyer for my new exhibition at Panorama. There will be a Live event February 23rd, at 21:00. Tcikets available at Panorama, café Absinthe and Soho Art Gallery. for more details or for tickets, contact charles_billard@hotmail.com