Monday, October 10, 2022

ELECTRO CARAVAN 2022 Artist Profiles



中近東の音楽が好きだったことや女性の踊り、裸足で踊るということにインスピレーションを受け、2004年ベリーダンスをkallilaに師事しオリエンタルスタイルの基礎を学ぶ。2007年よりsamarに師事し引き続きオリエンタルスタイルを学びLulu Al Samaのメンバーとして様々なshowに出演する。 2014YOKO minoriとトライバルスタイル、オリエンタルスタイル、その他色々エッセンスを混ぜこんだユニットpeachpieを結成しイベントを企画したりshowに出演する。 2016年独立し、オリエンタルスタイルをベースに独自のスタイルを追求中。現在谷町六丁目でレッスンを行なっている。





AXE  オフィシャルサイト

AXELICA  オンラインストア



笑 フュージョンベリーダンスの神秘的な雰囲気とAXEのクールでしなやか世界観に引き込まれ 2019年よりフュージョンベリーダンスをAXEから学ぶAXEA研究生。 日本文化と着物と和菓子作りを愛する。 2021年に神戸で開催されるフュージョンベリーダンスイベント「Port Tribal」にてAXEAデビュー。



Mayu Kato

 2007年、ベリーダンス を始める。

2009年よりATSKae Montgomeryに師事。

20128月にSalimpour Studio (Bay Area) にてSalimpour Fortmat Lv.1Certificationを取得。 

2014年以降カザフスタンへ渡り、Tribal FusionOlga Meosに師事。 フィンガーシンバルを使ったパフォーマンスを得意とし、 現在はTribal FusionATSのクラスを神戸にて開講中。


Instagram Mayu Kato


Anjyu - あんじゅ -

来歴 幼少よりジャズダンスを学び、 11歳から芸能の道を歩む。 高校卒業後、 歌って踊るアイドルユニットで 約4年間活動。 作詞や振り付けなどにも挑戦する他、 CMやモデル、TV番組、舞台など 幅広い分野を経験。 グループ解散後、ベリーダンスやVogueに 多くの影響を受ける。 Animation performer 蛮-BANG-率いる、 Team BANG メンバーとして2018年より国内外問わず活動中。 ●HYPER JAPAN 2018 in London ●JAPAN EXPO 2019 in Paris コンテスト ●Kansai belly dance competition 2020 fusion solo部門 優勝

Mami Adachi

大学生でアフリカンダンスに出会い、リズム楽器で踊ることに興味を持つ。2012年よりベリーダンスを始め、IL Sey氏に師事した後、現在はLotuslandのJannah氏に師事。アフリカンダンスとのフュージョンに注目して自らのスタイルを模索中。






ベリーダンスとの出会いは2005年頃。その頃、来日中の、ポルトガル人ダンサーTania luizに師事し学ぶ。クラシックバレエや日本舞踊、ラテンダンスなどの経験を活かした独自の世界観を大切にし、生徒たちをプロデュース。自身でも積極的にレストランショーなどを開催し、コロナ以降にはオンラインイベントなどにも参加。現在は、自身が指導するベリーダンススクールAL・HAREEL(意味_絹)にて、キッズから大人までレッスン。子育て中の立場を活かし、小さなこどもがいてもしたいことを諦めず、親子でも参加できるクラスも開催している。


Chantira is an international Fusion teacher and performer living in the South of France. She's always been interested in Asia and Mediterranean cultures. For her, dance is the best means to meet people and their culture.

She started her training in Bellydance fusion with Hazel and Imrama dance cie while graduating in art in Rennes university. She spent her master year in Hiroshima, Japan, where she had the opportunity to learn Butoh and continue her training in Bellydance in Turkish style with Nourah in Tokyo. Butoh (舞踏) is the name given to a variety of performance practices that emerged around the middle of the XXth century in Japan. Dancers are able to express any kind of humans' emotions in a minimalist way, as en avant-garde form, it gives Chantira new material to explore expressions.

India is an important spiritual inspiration in her life. She then naturally went to Pushkar with Colleena Shakti and Bhubaneswar with Madam Sujata Mohapatra and her studio y’a to learn classical Indian Odissi dance while living a traditional life style.

Classical dances in India are strong spiritual art form very unique in the world and can bring a strong body memories through graceful gestures, the details very specifics. Through this classical form she was looking for strong classical foundations and to be immersed in a culture different from her own. Pushkar dance school welcome students from all over the world which allowed Chantira to attend her first Persian dance's classes. Through Mandira Importa Persian dance's class she explored fluidity and poetic aesthetic style.

Back in Paris she's been trained in Armenian dance with Yeraz dance cie and attend to some Marta Graham classes.Eager to complete her teaching education she graduated the professional training with Yaelle Zarca and association sultana : “Formation professionnalisante à l'enseignement de la danse Orientale”.

Her art is nourished by those different techniques and cultures which givesher a unique style and expression. Since her return to France, she's been invited to perform and teach at different events both in France and abroad. She wants to keep nurturing her dance with interactions, experiences and cultures.



Invited in 2021 to become an International Dance Council (CID) member of UNESCO, INKO is currently China’s only foreign performer with a professional focus on Tribal Bellydance, and a seasoned producer and director of artistic dance shows and dance videos. She is now associated with World Dance Council as an Expert of Oriental fusion dance with the mission to develop bellydance in whole China! 

This French artist is best known for her exquisite cocktail of elegance and exoticism and her infectiously expressive and spiritual style, merging poetry, theater and ancient mythology into dance. Fluent in French, Chinese and English, INKO has been teaching the dance form to local Chinese students and the expat communities all over China since 2012. If you also want to join her tribal fusion bellydance community, have a look at her online school!


Multidisciplinary artist from Canada, Charles Billard has been living and working in Japan since 2001.

Prior to his arrival, he was mostly interested in painting, collage, poetry and video art. Shortly after his arrival, upon meeting his creative collaborator & brother Jerry Gordon, he brought further his interest in experimental music and started making his own stringed instruments out of recycled materials. A stainless steel version of his sound devices, SPACE SLITAR ORCHESTRA, built in 2009 in the context of the ECHIGO TSUMARI ART TRIENNALE, has been available for the public to this day.

He has been part of various music units, such as PDP, FAKE FUR ROOM, SMOULDERING DOOR, PLASTIC MANTRA and DOUBTFUL FLOWERS.

His passion for dance has lead him to create music for belly dancers and organizing events combining his interests in video art, music and dance into a single series of events : ELECTRO CARAVAN.

His interest for a wide variety of art forms has lead him to organize art events such as PPPP, SUMMER CONTROL, SNOW WHITE NOISE and his much celebrated yearly event, TAKEDAO TUNNEL ART EVENT, held this year for the 14th time.

Since the summer of 2022, he has been indulging himself in the trial of performative art forms, such as burlesque with new collaborator Rising Kaigen, and dance using wings traditionally used in oriental dance.

We wish him the best if luck in these new endeavors.



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